
“Welcoming, promoting and empowering higher education students.”

Mentoring is a project for welcoming, integrating and sharing experiences of student life in higher education. Based on relational experience, the mentors, students with more experience in university life, share their experiences and knowledge to promote adaptation, autonomy and guidance for the new students, the mentorees.


The project’s main objective is to welcome, integrate, and monitor new students in their respective institution, focused on developing academic, personal, and social skills through collaborative dynamics within the academic and student community.

Its specific objectives are:

  • To broaden and deepen mechanisms for welcoming, accompanying, integrating new students, in their study cycles, faculties and university, as well as in the academic community as a response to geographical, school, personal and cultural difficulties;
  • Involve students, national and international, from all study cycles and all years with a focus on integral development, which will translate into transversal competences of personal, social and academic scope;
  • To establish the basic conditions for the integration and sharing of experiences and academic and social experiences, from the dynamization of the training and learning contexts;
  • To contribute to the construction of collaborative networks of significant interpersonal relationships;
  • To raise awareness and involve the academic community in a culture of intervention and solidary responsibility, which favors the exercise of citizenship, the common good, healthy coexistence and mutual respect.


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