SASNOVA is responsible for the allocation of scholarships and emergency aid (direct social support) from the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES), to students in the 1st and 2nd cycles at NOVA University, with the aim of making it possible for students with reduced financial abilities to begin and continue their studies.
The scholarships awarded are paid directly by the DGES on a scheduled date, and the monthly allowances are paid via bank transfer. At the time of this payment, DGES sends a message to all scholarship holders who have requested to be informed of the payment. On their personal DGES page, students can check all payments made, the number of months, the amount transferred and the IBAN of the bank account into which the transfer was made.
The DGES scholarships are co-financed by the ESF under the POISE programme as well as the Portuguese State.

Students who wish to apply for a DGES scholarship through SASNOVA must meet the following requirements, according to legislation and the Regulation for the Attribution of Scholarships to Higher Education Students (Dispatch nº 7647/2023, of July 24th).
- They are or will be, enrolled and registered at NOVA University of Lisbon in the academic year for which they apply for the scholarship;
- They are (according to the conditions established by article 1 of Decree-Law 204/2009, of 31stAugust):
2.1) National citizens;
2.2) National citizens of European Union Member States with the right of permanent residence in Portugal or a family member thereof (in accordance with Law no. 37/2006, of 9th August);
2.3) Third country nationals:
- Holders of a permanent residence permit (under the terms of article 80 of Law no. 23/2007, of 4thJuly);
- Benefitting from the status of long-term resident (under the terms of article 125 of Law no. 23/2007, of 4thJuly);
- Coming from States with which cooperation agreements have been signed foreseeing the application of such benefits;
- Coming from States whose law, in equal circumstances, grants equal treatment to Portuguese students;
- Stateless persons;
- Benefitting from political refugee status.
3. Cumulatively they must meet the following requirements:
- Have obtained academic success in the last academic year attended in higher education establishments of the Regulation for the Attribution of Scholarships to Higher Education Students (Dispatch nº 7647/2023, of July 24th);
- Not be holders of a higher-level degree or equivalent to the one they are applying for;
- The family household income is insufficient for their child to continue their studies, under the terms of the valid Regulation.
The scholarship is awarded and renewable annually to:
Students already enrolled in Higher Education (scholarship holders or non-scholarship holders): from June 25th to September 30th 2024.
Students applying for Higher Education (1st Year) under the General Access Regime, the deadline runs simultaneously with the application for the national access competition:
1st Phase: July 22nd to August 5th, 2024
2nd Phase: August 26th to September 4th, 2024
3rd Phase: September 21st to 24th, 2024
Students whose academic year begins after October: have 20 working days after registration or enrollment.
In other cases: application deadlines or additional information for students will be established by the Director-General of Higher Education and published on the DGES website (General Directorate of Higher Education)
Applications for a Scholarship are made by completing and electronically submitting the Application Form on the DGES Portal.
To access the reserved area intended for this purpose, the student needs to obtain access credentials:
a) Students who applied in the previous academic year: the credentials will be the same. To this end, you must select the 2024/2025 application, fill out the form and submit the application.
b) Students who are already attending Higher Education and intend to apply for a Scholarship for the first time are required to fill out the “pre-registration application form” to obtain credentials (available on the website) and send it for or contact SASNOVA headquarters.
Applications are analyzed in chronological order and the respective results published individually.
Upon completion of the application analysis, the candidate receives an SMS or an email indicating that the provisional result is available on the online application page.
From the date of reading the result, the candidate has 10 working days to oppose the provisional result.
Complementary support
Complementary social support aims to ensure specific support conditions throughout the study cycle, and is intended to cover increased costs for students with special educational needs and displaced students, as well as supporting students in a particularly serious economic situation.
The Scholarship Regulations may include other support, namely:
Accommodation supplements: displaced scholarship students (requiring accommodation);
Annual transportation benefit: displaced scholarship students living in an Autonomous Region (if there is no similar course);
Scholarship supplement for students with special educational needs: scholarship students with a disability greater than or equal to 60%;
Mobility complement: scholarship students on mobility under the Erasmus+ Program