
Requirements for application

Students intending to apply for the scholarship must meet the following requirements, in accordance with current legislation, the Regulation on the Granting of Scholarships to Students in Higher Education (Ruling 5404/2017, of 21st June).

1. Being registered, or be planning to register, with Portuguese higher education institutions during the academic year for which they are requesting the scholarship;

2. Being (in accordance with the terms stipulated by Article 1 of Decree-Law no. 204/2009, of 31st August):

a.    Portuguese citizens;

b.    National citizens of Member States of the European Union who have, as well as their relatives, the right to permanent residence in Portugal, under the terms of Law no. 37/2006, of 9th August;

c.    National citizens of non-EU countries:

a.    Holders of a permanent residence permit, under the terms of Article 80 of Law no. 23/2007, of 4th July;

b.    Beneficiaries of long-term resident status under the terms of Article 125 of Law no. 23/2007, of 4th July;

c.    From states with which cooperation agreements providing for such benefits have been signed;

d.    From states whose law treats Portuguese students equally in the same circumstances;

d.    Stateless persons;

e.    Beneficiaries of political refugee status.

3. Must meet all of the following requirements:

a.    Having passed the last academic year spent at higher education establishments, under the terms of Article 5(e) of the Regulation on the Granting of Scholarships to Students in Higher Education (Ruling 5404/2017, of 21st June).

b.    They must not have a degree or a qualification equivalent to that for which they are applying;

c.    Household income must be insufficient to allow the pupil to pursue his or her studies, under the terms of the current regulation.


Documents for application

Documents for application | Documentos para instrução da candidatura

The documents required for the scholarship application are those associated with the data submission mentioned in Article 27(3)(a) to (e) of the current Regulation on the Granting of Scholarships to students in higher education.

When electronically submitting the scholarship Application Form through the IT platform of the General Directorate of Higher Education (Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior — DGES), the student must fill out the requested fields correctly, under a declaration of honour. Failure to do so will result in the appropriate penalties in the event of fraud. In particular, the following information must be supplied for every family member, where applicable:

1.    Citizen’s card no. or ID document no.;

2.    Passport no. or Residence Permit no.;

3.    Taxpayer’s Card and Social Security Card;

4.    Amount of income stated on tax return and amount of tax paid in the calendar year before the academic year or information about the non-filing of tax return in the calendar year before the academic year (if the applicant is 17 years old or over and is not registered as a dependant on a tax return); Information relating to the Electronic Declaration must be filled out in the same way for all family members, including dependants. Check the year of the tax return (green box). It should be 2016. You must enter the TIN/NIF of taxable person A of the tax return and the corresponding validation code for all the members of your family (red box). When inserting the validation code, the income is automatically uploaded and therefore it should not be entered into your form.

5.    If there are family members with a tax return form in paper, the income details should be entered.

6.    Value of regular housing benefits;

7.    Value of rural, urban and mixed properties stated on your up-to-date property registration certificate (caderneta predial) or fiscal property register certificate (certidão de teor matricial);

8.    Other values which should be taken into account to calculate household income, specifically movable assets and capital income.

The documents requested on the personal page should be attached, after submitting the online application.

Even if you don’t receive a notification from the system that these documents need to be submitted, you should press save so you can upload them to the DGES portal once you do receive a notification.

In addition to the documents requested on the personal page, it is also compulsory for the applicant to provide their Academic Performance Declaration for the academic year 2016/2017 in the template provided by SASNOVA, which is available on the website (the student will be notified that the declaration needs to be submitted).

Failure to fill out the online form fully or correctly can result in more documents being requested, in addition to those initially requested. Additional documents will be requested on the personal page.

In accordance with Article 33 of the abovementioned regulation, until the decision to grant or renew a scholarship is made, and during random checks, applicants may be asked to provide additional information or original documents confirming the legitimacy of their declarations.

Missing documents will result in an incomplete application and delays in the assessment of files and the publication of results.

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