Other Scholarships

Academic performance is often unrewarded, so our aim is to help those who deserve it or need it the most. We have information about a variety of other scholarships that you might know.

Xpand It

Scholarship from Xpand IT, in partnership with NOVA University of Lisbon, through SASNOVA

For 2nd and 3rd year students, with relevant academic performance but who, due to their socioeconomic situation, do not have the means to attend the Degrees in Science and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon.

Applications closed.

New dates for the 2023/2024 school year to be announced soon.

Hovione Scholarships

Hovione Scholarship, in partnership with Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

For students with relevant academic performance but who, due to socioeconomic constraints, do not have the means to attend the Degree courses in Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, Integrated Masters in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Engineering of Micro and Nanotechnologies and Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Applications closed.

New dates for the 2023/2024 school year to be announced soon.

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